- 品牌:cacserpalace/凯撒皇庭
- 壁饰类型:花卉
- 颜色分类:A款B款C款
- 风格:田园
- 材质:木
【产品描述】创意立体墙饰壁饰挂件田园仿真小植物木质画框家居墙上装饰品挂饰 CAESAR PALACE|恺撒皇庭 ---奢 华·触 手 可 及,用 品 质 定 义 卓 越 人 生 --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 特别说明:因本产品属纯手工制作工艺,制作过程中个别地方略显粗旷。还请亲们接受再拍! |
商品情景 |
商品实拍 |
商品细节 注意:在此提请大家理性购物、按需购物! 温馨提示:先看评价后下单,保您网购不后悔! 宝贝描述:宝贝的大小、材质、用途在商品描述中,如需要更加详细的信息请我们在线客服,一定耐心为您解答。 图片参考:所有宝贝均为实物拍摄,不排除显示器色差因素及视觉角度差别因素,同一款手工产品细微处也会有各不 The pictures from On line shop has certain differernce with actual subjects in color and angle. Please do not assume the subject size with your imagination. Each photo of the goods is taken by the owner with the best efforts. what you see is what you will get,but there will be some colour change due to set up difference of the display. One should take actual good as the standard |