全新现货 William Morris威廉 莫里斯 植物花纹 装饰图案
- 出版社名称:FlameTreePublishing
- 出版时间:August15,2010
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书名:《William Morris[Hardcover]》
售价:RMB 225 。 现特价(咨询特价)。
ISBN: 978-1847867131
出版: Flame Tree Publishing (August 15, 2010)
尺寸:29.0x 27.7 x 2.3CM
Product Description
William Morris was an outstanding character of many talents, being an architect, writer, social campaigner, artist and, with his Kelmscott Press, an important figure of the Arts and Crafts movement. Many of us probably know him best, however, from his superb furnishings and textile designs, intricately weaving together natural motifs in a highly stylized two-dimensional fashion influenced by medieval conventions. Following on from the bestselling success of "Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Mucha", of the same series, this delightful new book offers a survey of his life and work alongside some of his finest decorative work. It is a richly beautiful book.